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Found 43957 results for any of the keywords working groups. Time 0.007 seconds.
Scientific Working Groups | Membership | AACROne aspect of the AACR’s mission is to strengthen, support and promote focused scientific initiatives that facilitate increased progress and enhanced cutting-edge contributions to the understanding of cancer by select sc
Working Groups - American Sustainable Business NetworkASBN’s Working Groups and Task Forces provide members with an ongoing opportunity to shape and engage in our policy work.
Cancer Evolution Working Group | AACR Scientific Working GroupsThe mission of the AACR Cancer Evolution Working Group is to improve cancer prevention, diagnostic and therapeutic strategies by fostering a fundamental understanding of cancer evolution.
Cancer Prevention Working Group | AACR Scientific Working GroupsThe mission of the AACR Cancer Prevention Working Group is to spotlight and strengthen awareness of cancer prevention as an essential mechanism in cancer control and to establish cancer prevention as a global priority su
AACR Scientific Working Groups | Cancer Immunology Working Group (CIMMThe Cancer Immunology Working Group (CIMM) seeks to provide a forum for immunologists and non-immunologists alike to meet, exchange knowledge and ideas, and discuss the present status and future promise of this important
Accessibility Education and Outreach (EOWG) | Working Groups | DiscoveThe mission of the Accessibility Education and Outreach Working Group is to develop strategies and resources to promote awareness, understanding, implementation, and conformance testing for W3C accessibility standards; a
Discover W3C groups | W3CA variety of W3C groups enable W3C to pursue its mission through the creation of Web standards, guidelines, and supporting materials. Community and Business Groups offer more ways for innovators to bring work to W3C.
PDGA Committees & Working Groups | Professional Disc Golf AssociationPDGA Committees oversee specialized areas of the organization and provide guidance and make recommendations to the Board of Directors. PDGA Working Groups function in the same manner as Committees, however, they only con
International Astronomical Union | IAUThe IAU will change its digital interface in 2025. It is expected to become visible to the public and our members from March 2025.
Board Meeting Minutes - Community DevelopmentHome page of The Apache Software Foundation
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